House of Bread Network is not an organization, but a relational connection with House of Bread Ministry as God has brought together diverse connections in ministry. Various churches and streams of ministry create a diverse expression of God’s kingdom. Our common purpose is kingdom life and the present sound of God in the earth. The House of Bread Network is filled with history, prayer, and divine connection through common relationships. House of Bread Ministry believes that God is always doing something fresh by the power of His grace. Even as Martin Luther was a point of importance in bringing reformation to the church, God is continually bringing reformation to His church and He invites men and women to embrace fuller expressions of His glory in each successive generation. He is causing His church to experience Him in a greater way in each and every generation and He is forming her to be a testimony of His grace for the destiny of the generations of the family of God. History reveals to us that those who fight the present move of God are most often those holding on to the last thing that God did. The traditions established in the past are the very thing that resist God’s unfolding ways among us and the testimony He desires to give to us as His family in the earth. We must always value the things that God has done in the past, but we must be willing to press forward into the increasing glory of God in the earth. We hold on to the ancient things of truth, but we understand that God increasing our understanding of those things as His grace empowers us to see what we could not see before. This is the increasing glory of God’s plan for men in heaven and earth. We believe God’s plan of glory is for all of humanity made of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. God is joining the nations in an INTERNATIONAL testimony of His grace. It is expressed in the diversity of MINISTRIES as we partner with Holy Spirit to embrace a personal relationship with God in each heart to be obedient to faith and not some method, form, or common denominator or ministry. God meets each one in their heart and thus no two can be exactly the same. Our NOBLE CAUSE is to disciple nations through relationally connected local expressions of Christ’s church in the present sound and testimony of God’s grace working in the earth.

House of Bread Ministry and Church Connections –